BroadFutures Statement on Standing Together Against Racial Injustice
To our Supporters and Friends,
As people across our city, nation, and world, march and protest, raising their voices against racial injustice, we affirm your words, your grief, your pain, and your courageous, resilient pursuit of change. As an organization whose mission is founded on inclusion and eradicating prejudice, we cannot sit in silence in light of the recent events in our America. We are sickened by the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and the taking of so many other innocent lives. These acts of horrific violence thoroughly defy our sense of humanity. Their families’ grief weighs heavily on our hearts. These are exceptionally challenging times as we face the abhorrent and systemic racial inequities that permeate our society, the severity of which is magnified and exacerbated by the present global pandemic. We are poignantly aware of the myriad of complexities and sensitivities of the diverse communities we love, serve, partner with, and employ. We stand in solidarity with all who are raising their voices to be heard, and most importantly the outrage of Black people, who are a vital part of our nation and our own beloved BroadFutures community.
We know the barriers faced by disabled people are significantly more profound for all our communities of color, especially those who are part of the criminal justice system. We are committed to work to eradicate these barriers and to ensure the limitless potential of those that we serve. We continue to ensure that the employers we partner with and the young people we serve reflect the diversity of our country. We are dedicated to intentionally work against racism, in furtherance of the beauty of diversity, where Black lives are cherished and nurtured.
We must have the freedom to speak up and speak out and we must listen – listen to the voices of the outraged and the voices of those who have not been adequately heard for a very long time. We need to create spaces for open conversations – conversations that include young people of color. Finally, we commit to work towards a future that includes everyone and ensures that justice, opportunity, protection, and support are equal for Black people. We hope that this message finds all of you safe and healthy. We look forward to moving together as a community, voices raised in fierce condemnation of racial inequities, and hearts laser focused on creating meaningful change.
Onward in outrage, solidarity, and hope,
